July 17, 2013

Praying mantis

Baby praying mantis
Despite its awkward appearance, the praying mantis is a gardener's best friend.

Praying mantis will eat any insect that is large enough to capture their attention, but small enough to grasp with their spiked forelegs. Unfortunately, this sometimes includes honey bees. 

However, for the most part, praying mantises are beneficial insects. They are predators that feed on "bad" bugs such as aphids, moths, flies, and beetles which are more destructive than the honey bee and are often a larger feast for the praying mantis. 

A bugs life is a tough life. Praying mantis are cannibalistic when food sources are scarce. In addition, females will kill their partner after mating and baby mantises will eat each other in an "eat or be eaten" way of life. 

Nonetheless, I am excited that I have finally found a praying mantis in my garden. I just hope that these guys stick around and help me to organically control the insects in my garden. Lord knows I have plenty of japanese beetles feasting on my raspberry bushes and apple trees.

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