January 27, 2013

Choosing containers for seed starting

Containers for seed starting are widely available at garden centers or through garden catalogs. There are enough choices that one can go dizzy trying to decide which container(s) to choose. Below you will find some options that I have used in the past and my recommendations for future use. 

January 19, 2013

How to read a seed packet

Information presented on seed packets will differ from one vendor to another. Nonetheless, most vendors will provide enough information to help ensure a successful crop for that particular plant. For me, the most important information included is the common and varietal name, planting directions, and days to maturity. 

An explanation of information you may find on a seed packet is described below.

Seed Packet

January 14, 2013

It all starts with seeds

Yay! You decided to grow vegetable and herb transplants from seed. Now what?!

January 12, 2013

Growing vegetable transplants from seeds

My first year gardening, I purchased all my vegetable plants from my local nursery. It was a great option at the time because it was [practically] a guarantee that I would be successful in my first vegetable garden. As I walked towards the checkout lanes, I passed all the seed packets and I wondered how I would fair if I grew my own plants from seed. The following year, I did just that, and I haven’t looked back since.

January 5, 2013

Seed catalogs usher in another gardening year

The days are getting noticeably longer and a plethora of seed catalogs have begun arriving in my mailbox. That can only mean one thing...gardening season is just around the corner. I can't wait.  
2013 Gardening Catalogs (aka: garden porn)

As I flip through the catalogs, I am inclined to circle everything that I want with a big fat purple sharpie (purple is one of my favorite colors). Everything looks delightful - new seed varieties, alternative trellis systems, colorful tools, and whimsical garden ornaments. I want it all.  

Without a large budget, an ever expanding, self-watering garden, and a magically weeding fairy, purchasing everything that I want to circle is just not possible. Instead, I need to think about what worked in my in previous years, how much space everything really took up (versus how much space is available), what was the tastiest to me (and to the insects), what new vegetables I want to try, and last but not least, what seeds do I have already.  Seed planning begins now.